Finance & Administrative Services
The Finance & Administrative Services Department provides customer service, accurate billing, and timely collection services to the citizens of Kewanee. The department is responsible for the management of all City financial records and reporting and provides financial services to all City departments. Five employees currently staff the department: the Director and three clerks and one accounting tech.
Responsibilities of the Finance & Administrative Services Department include the following:
- Accounting - Financial reporting and reconciliations, annual audit preparation and compliance, payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, cash management and investments, debt service payments, tax information, budget preparation and monitoring
- Annual Audit
- Annual Budget
- Annual Treasurer's Report
- Customer Service - Utility billing and collection, account setup and disconnect, cemetery record maintenance and related billing, ambulance service billing and collection, issuance of permits and licenses
- Employee Compensation
- Human Resources & Risk Management - Employee benefit and compensation programs, liability, property and worker’s compensation insurance programs
- Information Services - Computer, network, and telecommunications services
- Pay other invoices here after speaking to City Hall staff.
- IMRF's Employer Cost & Participant Information
The Finance & Administrative Services Department is located in Kewanee City Hall, 401 East Third Street, Kewanee. Office hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, except holidays. A drive up drop box for utility bill payments is located in the east parking lot, accessed from Vine Street.