Trash Collection

The City of Kewanee has contracted Lakeshore Recycling Systems to handle garbage, recycling, and bagged landscape waste pickup for our residents. The City still maintains the operations of the Transfer Station.  Trash pickup takes place Monday through Thursday and routes are started at 6:00 a.m. and may not be completed until 7p.m. each day. Recycling is picked up every other week, the same day as your trash. For that schedule, click here

Bagged landscape waste is picked up city-wide on Fridays from April 1st to November 30th.  

The Transfer Station is open Monday - Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (closed for lunch from 11:00 - 11:30), and closed on City Hall business holidays.  All truck loads must be tarped, or could be subject to a $50.00 fine or refusal of services.

If you have questions about your scheduled trash pickup day, what can be placed in the trash or recycling or taken to the Transfer Station, or general questions or concerns, please see the forms below or visit the LRS website before contacting City Hall’s Public Works Clerk at 309-761-1002.

Pay your Transfer Station bill here


Contact Info
Public Works Clerk - 309-761-1002
Operations Manager - 309-852-2611 ext 228
Transfer Station - 309-761-1513

Downloadable Files

Landscape Bag Requests
The facility that takes the City's landscape pickup has asked to remind residents that only allowed landscape materials can be in the brown paper landscape bags.  See the Landscape Waste Pickup fact sheet above for what is allowed.  Miscellaneous trash cannot be in with the landscape bags and must be disposed of in the proper trash or recycling containers.  They also ask that bags remain free of clear, packing, or duct tape to either attach stickers or close the bags.  Only the LRS stickers can be attached to the bags.   If you have any questions on landscape pickup, please contact LRS at the 309-586-4410.