Drug Alcohol Addiction Response Team

Drug Alcohol Addiction Response Team (DAART)
To provide a direct and sustained approach to promote mental well-being, prevent substance addiction, and support treatment and recovery opportunities for community members coping with mental health disorders, mental health crises, and drug and alcohol dependence.
DAART Purpose:
The Kewanee Police Department recognizes community members face various mental health challenges and substance dependences on a continuing basis. The Kewanee Police Department believes its law enforcement response has not been effective in properly addressing the community’s needs regarding these issues. The purpose of the Kewanee Police Department Drug Addiction Response Team is to help supplement officers when handling a situation involving a mental health crisis, provide continuing support to individuals involved in a mental health crisis, provide support to individuals facing the challenges of drug addiction, and assist individuals who desire help with their drug addiction in finding treatment options.
If you require support for mental health concerns, drug addiction, or alcohol addiction, please contact Detective Trey Kazubowski at tkazubowski@cityofkewanee.net or Officer Austin Stroud at astround@cityofkewanee.net. Additionally, you can contact the non-emergency line of the Kewanee Police Department at (309) 853-1911, and any officer from our department can assist you through the DAART program.
In the case of a life-threatening emergency, please dial 911 immediately. Your safety is our top priority.